8 Mayıs 2012 Salı

short quotes

short quotes
In the Thunder dome shine
Loving drops canvases
From ancient grains
Labyrinthine land breeze...
And the real green return
And with its snow white beauty.

Ant sheet each crumb
At night the stars what weave...
Crouched sobbing mill...
With the shifting straws of tabs...
With the spell, honey, flute and pollen...
Embracing sunflowers with the sky!...

Each swallow rests its distance...
Knotting unknown barros
In the fragile interwoven hours...
In the shelter of your flight background
Where are born winds as embers
And the bubbly field of longing!

Beyond of the bloody skins...
There are farmers birds of hives...
And the oasis redeeming suffering and tribulations...
What open gardens in the clouds!
What they accompany the life after death!
And the helm of infinite order arrives...
short quotes

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